Home » Pourquoi ne pas se voir trop souvent dans une relation?

Pourquoi ne pas se voir trop souvent dans une relation?

by Margaret Jacob

Au sommaire IMAGYNA :

  • La fréquence des rencontres est cruciale au début d’une relation, conditionnant l’intensité et la qualité de la relation.
  • Un équilibre entre le temps passé ensemble et le temps nécessaire pour mener sa propre vie est essentiel.
  • Une proximité excessive peut être étouffante et finir par tuer le désir.
  • Ne pas se voir trop souvent peut créer un manque de complicité et de profondeur dans la relation.
  • Une relation devrait être mutuelle, basée sur le désir de se voir et des initiatives des deux côtés.
  • Il est normal que la personne ne cherche pas à vous voir tous les jours, mais elle devrait manifester un intérêt et attendre une réciprocité.

Understanding French Adverb Structure

Pourquoi ne pas se voir trop souvent dans une relation?

The French adverb has two parts: ne, which precedes the verb, and pas (or another word or phrase, see below), which follows it. When the verb is inverted, pas follows the subject pronoun. In English negation, the helping verb do must be added to most verbs (learn more). This is not the case in French: if there’s one verb in the affirmative, there’s just one verb in the negative. Likewise, if there are two verbs in the affirmative, as in compound tenses/moods and dual-verb constructions, there are two in the negative.

Frequency of Seeing Each Other at the Beginning of a Relationship

Pourquoi ne pas se voir trop souvent dans une relation?

When starting a relationship, the frequency of meetings is a crucial point. It will condition the intensity and quality of the relationship. In this context, finding a balance between time spent together and time needed to live one’s own life is essential. Excessive closeness can be suffocating and eventually kill desire. Similarly, rarely seeing each other can create a lack of complicity and depth.

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If you are in a relationship with someone who makes no effort to see you, never takes the initiative for a meeting or an evening, and frequently cancels your appointments, sometimes on the same day, it may be time to stop wasting your time with this person. A relationship should be mutual, based on the desire to see each other and initiatives from both sides. If you are constantly making efforts to see them, there is a problem.

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They will let you know by contacting you, trying to start a dialogue, and expecting reciprocity. Do not be surprised if they do not do this every day; they should not be too predictable, and their pride may also lead them to want some distance from time to time. Perhaps they are even familiar with and master the foolproof technique of chase me, I follow you!

Not Seeing Each Other Too Often: Why?

Contrary to what you may think, independence in a couple is beneficial. Your partner will also be happy with this arrangement. Just because you are not glued to each other every day does not mean you are not in love and happy. By giving each other some space, you can actually improve your relationship. While the balance varies for each couple, there is a golden rule you must follow: wanting to be close to your partner is good, but being too close can greatly harm the health of your relationship. Here are some reasons why you should not see each other too often.

5 Signs of a Toxic Relationship

1. The partner imposes their point of view, making communication difficult. For example, they do not let you speak, do not consider your opinion, feelings, or needs…2. The partner has an emotional hold on the other. For instance, they use emotional blackmail, play the victim, or make you feel guilty…3. The partner criticizes a lot but cannot self-reflect. For example, they always blame others for everything…

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